Teaching & Coaching!

“The world needs your unique leadership! Let’s build a richer fuller life of leadership and legacy together!”

Servicing Parents, Teachers, Home Visitors, and School Leaders of Young Children.

Select your Leadership pathway and I will see you on the other side!

Leadership DEvelopment

The Mpowering PD sessions are designed to transform parents, teachers, home visitors, and school Leaders into well equipped leaders in their roles.

Academy Benefits

Want to be the Leading Teacher you’ve always dreamed of being?

CDA is the Best 1st Step!

The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credential represents the crossroad where education and experience meet. This crossroad epitomizes competence and is a pathway to learning best teaching practices for many early educators such as parents, teachers, home visitors, family childcare providers, and school leaders of young children.

Want to be the Leading Teacher you’ve always dreamed of being?

CDA is the Best 1st Step!

The Child Development Associate (CDA) National Credential represents the crossroad where education and experience meet. This crossroad epitomizes competence and is a pathway to learning best teaching practices for many early educators such as parents, teachers, home visitors, family childcare providers, and school leaders of young children.
Compliment your leadership journey with some leadership coaching! I provide reliable leadership coaching using a CORE ENERGY methodology to support you along on your journey. Coaching relationships are a great way to deepen your development as you evolve along the leadership continuum.


Hear Nilajah Renee’s story of leadership triumph “Catch the Fire”! In this riveting show of a story Nilajah takes audiences from doubt to belief, from fearful to fearless. Nilajah shares her timeline of leadership struggle and triumph causing a paradigm shift within its listeners. Ideas of leadership are disrupted and transformed. This story is not for the faint at heart! This story is for those who are ready to truly LEAD in life and could use an energetic boost!

Hand-Crafted Jewelry For The Hair, Body & Soul.

Made with sustainably sourced precious metals, stones, crystals, and beads from countries around the world! Check out my collection!
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